Having to get used to getting recognised!
Getting used to being recognised in public - will it get easier?
The scenario
So, in October 2019 I was invited to The Cube in Athens - a very cool co-working space with great views of the Acropolis from its roof terrace.
I was going to give a presentation about Girl Gone Greek and what living in Greece is all about for a foreigner. I had an excellent turnout and was very grateful to my hosts for arranging.
It had an excellent turnout and people seemed to love the story of Girl Gone Greek - keen to learn more.
Fast forward to December 2019. I attended Christmas Bazaar and headed straight for the food stall. Buying some delicious fair I found that others had had the same idea as me and there was no where to sit. So I hung around the tables, munching away, minding my own business.
A woman with a rather fractious young child turned round and did a bit of a double take, staring at me. Feeling a tad uncomfortable and wondering if I hadn’t wiped my nose properly, she leaned over and said:
Are you Rebecca Hall?
A tad taken aback, I beamed at her because I know what it must be like to take the guts to speak to a stranger and told her I was, indeed she.
I was at your book reading. I bought your book and just literally finished it last night. And I want to thank you for not writing a typical story about a woman who comes to Greece and meets a man (mimes puking). I want to thank you for the fact our character fell in love with the country and didn’t make it a typical chick lit. I loved it. I am going to send it to my relatives in Canada. Thank you so much!
Oh my - maybe I need to get used to this?! I was SO pleased she loved it and its message got through to her. I cooed over her little child a bit (who’d calmed down by this point) and we chatted about the book writing process and why Greece as a country is so special - and the fact it’s now a script, etc.
I’m so glad I didn’t give her dirty looks for staring at me! Is this a small claim to fame? I feel really honoured and imagine what will happen WHEN (being positive) the film is made!
So be positive with me people - help celebrate Girl Gone Greek and let’s hope 2020 is the year we FINALLY get this project off the ground.